Whether you're new to faith, or you've been
a Christian for many years, we all have a next step.
What's yours?

Serve at Bridge Church

Throughout the Bible we read about the importance of serving God and one another, such as Joshua 22:5, where we read:
“…love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways and keep his commandments and cling to him and serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
Jesus Christ himself modeled this with His disciples and others He encountered during His earthly ministries. Jesus’ example should serve as a model for His followers to selflessly serve one another faithfully.
Here at Bridge Church our mission is to LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE & SERVE OUR WORLD.
As a part of our church family, we encourage you to be involved by serving in a ministry. We have many different areas for you to get plugged in with that will allow you to use your gifts and talents to serve God and others. If you’re interested in serving, we’d love to connect with you!